Sunday, October 6, 2013

Heading home!

The rest of our cruise was spent on board.  We were so ready to see our girls but we still made the most of the rest of our cruise.  On our last night we had to take pics with some of our favorite peeps.  
Jessie!  He was pretty much a rock star!
Both of these guys are totally at fault for making me gain like 5 lbs!  ha!
Jeremy ran into one of the comedians the last night.  Just June was so funny!
The next morning we were up bright and early and ready to see our girls!  They were pretty excited to see us too!  Reese was asleep when we got home (we made awesome time and were home around 2pm!) but Ryne just hugged me and laid on me and just kept saying she was so glad I was home!  When Reese woke up she was super lovey and I soaked up every second!  We decided that a trip to CEC was in order to celebrate our homecoming.

Jeremy and I had a great trip...but there really is no where like home!

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