Tuesday, October 8, 2013

32 random acts of kindness...

To carry on the tradition started last year...this birthday was spent doing a random act of kindness for every year I've been born.  32 - yikes!  I have seriously always hated my birthday, not sure why...maybe therapy would help!  ;)  But this makes it fun and takes the focus off of getting another year older!  ha!  The day wasn't planned as well due to us getting back from the cruise the day before, but it still worked.  Here is a run down of our day with a some pictures of some RAKs.  I wasn't the best at remembering to snap a picture!

After dropping Reese off at school we made a donut run and grabbed 3 dozen mixed donuts for the police department, fire station, and Ryne and Reese's pediatrician.

While at the pediatrician's office, Reese played a little!
Then we went to lunch at Chili's because they were donating ALL their profits of the day to St. Jude.  How perfect is that?!
While there we did another RAK and left a 100% tip for our sweet waitress.

Next we ran inside a couple stores to leave some emergency diaper/wipe baggies.  Am I the only mom who has gone to change a diaper and realize I'm out of diapers?!  We also put change on vending machines.
Then we headed home for Reese to nap.  While she napped I put together stuff for the rest of the day like a treat bag for our USPS lady...
I also got online to donate to 3 sweet friend's awesome causes.  
Team Isabelle
Dura's mission trip
Chapman's adoption auction.

On our way to pick up Ryne we grabbed a sonic drink for her teacher and I paid for the car behind us.  After we got Ryne, I let her hand out treats to any other teachers/coaches outside the school as well as the crossing guard.

Then we headed to Starbucks...I treated myself to a pumpkin spice latte (it is my birthday after all!  lol!) and while there paid for the car behind and picked up some gift cards.
We had left over treat bags so Ryne handed them out to the Starbuck's people!
Then we drove our neighborhood and handed out bottles of water to the construction workers.

Then it was home to get ready for soccer practice.  While there we baked up some muffins and Ryne delivered them to our neighbors.

ring and dash!
Then we took some to a sweet couple that just had a baby in our Life group.
Then I met someone who was buying something from me on the Forney Exchange and just gave it to her.  It was a really cute outfit...one of my favorites so I should get bonus points for that right?!
After practice we dropped off some snacks for a red box renter...
When we got home I got some cards ready to mail...
And finished up some Chemo bags to be dropped off later in the week.
A couple others to round out 32 that I didn't get any pictures of were handing out a ready to be used loyalty card (we love sweet frog), leaving stamps at the post office, $1's in the dollar section of Wal-Mart, returned run-away buggies at Wal-Mart, we left goody bags at the park, and left a scratch off lotto ticket for someone on the gas pump.

It was a very busy but fun day!

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