Sunday, October 6, 2013

Days 1 and sea

Oh my say I missed my girls would be a huge understatement!  BUT we did have alot of fun just being together.  Jeremy travels SO much so this was a much needed break for both of us.  The first two days were sea days.  We slept in, ate yummy brunch, worked out, watch movies, did some ship activities (art auction that of course we couldn't leave empty handed!), but my very favorite was doing facetime with my girls!!

love this silly willy!
Formal night was the second night.  Love seeing my man all dresses up...and NOT going to work!  :)
Jeremy recently noticed the "duck" face.  He insisted we do it quite frequently.  Unfortunately, we haven't mastered the look!  ha!

Day 2 highlight...

love those sweet sweet kisses!

Another nightly dinner...

We LOVE the comedy club!  They opened it up the second night and we spent that night, as well as pretty much every night in there, laughing the whole time!

Next up...Mahogany Bay

1 comment:

  1. This cruise looks like it was awesome- better excursion options. Ziplining is on our bucket list and it looks like y'all had a blast doing it. I'll def remember to bring Lysol if we do get to go! Glad you had a fun time and hoping we can go next time!!!
