Tuesday, October 1, 2013

It's so hard to say goodbye!

Sunday morning came EARLY after our late night.  It was so so hard leaving our sweet girls the next day.  I played and snuggled them as long as I could before we had to leave.  

 When leaving I told them they could open their first gifts.  I got out of the house with only a few tears but as soon as we pulled away the flood gate opened!  It is crazy how much I love those crazy girls!  We were only down the road about 15 minutes when Ryne called bawling.  She had opened her first present and that completely set her off in a complete melt down!  The girls' first gifts were recordable books that we were recording at 1am!  Ryne's was the book I have read to her since she was a baby "Guess How Much I Love You" and Reese's was "You are my Sunshine" because that is the song I always sing to her.  WELL in hind sight...big mistake.  They were both so upset hearing our voices.  Ryne was crying so hard I couldn't understand her...it was so so hard!  I really thought about forgetting about the cruise!  BUT we talked and talked and promised to call to hear about church and she ended up feeling better.
So, note to self...no more recordable books!!!

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