Sunday, October 6, 2013

Best stop ever!!

Our last stop was Cozumel.  We have been to Cozumel before but this was such a fun stop!  We started the day super early, which was great because I got to see this...

Once we walked off the ship we got right on a ferry.  Big boats don't make me sick...I may walk into walls, but I don't get sick.  Little ferries are a whole other story!  I could not wait to get off of this 40 minute ride!
Then we got on a bus to go down this bumpy dirt road...
I was SO happy to make it to where we were going and get out in the fresh air!  We stripped down to our swimsuits for a super cold shower before putting on out wet suits, helmets, and shoes.  Then we made a little hike to the cave.
Before we could go in the cave we had to be blessed so we could withstand the gods of the underworld!!
The cave was absolutely breathe taking!  I can't even describe how beautiful it is.  Things like this make it so very obvious that we have a very mighty God who loves us so much that he creates gorgeous things like this!

There were parts that we were walking on dry ground, parts that we were wading, and parts were we were swimming and couldn't even touch the bottom.  Amazing!

After spending close to 2 hours in the cave we made our way out and back down to where we started.  They had lunch set up for everyone to eat before heading back.
our awesome photographer who claims he has never dropped his camera in the water.  :)
our awesome guide who made the day so fun!
We had only a few minutes to walk around before we had to head back to the boat...but we were able to fit in some shopping!

not too shabby for a little point and click!
After getting back on the boat we got ready for another fun dinner and night at the comedy club!  Nyoman was there too...did I already say he was awesome?!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful! The cave looks amazing and like it was a super fun excursion!
