Friday, July 12, 2013

Reese is 2!

Reese turned two on a beautiful sunny Thursday.  We typically refer to her as our little sunshine and I have sung "you are my sunshine" to her every single nap/night since she was born so the day was very fitting for her birthday!  She is seriously the sweetest, happiest, most laid back kid EVER!  She brings nothing but joy to our lives.  She is the best hugger and loves to just climb in my lap to snuggle.  She is super polite (even saying thank you after diaper changes!).  Her vocabulary has just exploded!!!  She took longer to start talking than Ryne did but she is making up for it now.  She says tons of words and uses mainly three word sentences now.  Examples, "There you are", "Ouch, my elbow"(that was when she bumped her elbow at her 2 year well check-up!, "Me go play", "go bike ride", "thank (tank) you Mommy", "more please (peas) Mommy", and lots lots more!  She loves pretend play...mainly with her Minnie Mouse and Daisy dolls.  Daisy seems to need alot of help and is typically yelling "Oh no Minnie, help!".  I love watching her play and imagine things!  She surprises me every single day with something new!

trying to figure out which two fingers to hold up!  :)

Saying "I hear bird"...
Love her sweet spirit!!!

 Reese also loves her sissy!  If she can't find her she yells "sissy, where are you" over and over until we find her.  They play so well together 80% of the time!  :)

Reese you are so very loved!  I can not imagine our lives without your sweet spirit.  There really is no better word to describe you!  You did tell us "No" for the very first time the other day...but even then you did it in the cutest, sweetest way!  We are all completely smitten with you!

and I can't help but put some pictures of the sweet big sister in!
Ryne - we think you are pretty fabulous yourself!

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