Wednesday, July 17, 2013

4th of July in Canadian...

On Wednesday we started making our way to Canadian, Tx.  We decided to spend the night in Oklahoma City to break up the drive (and to use points for the hotel!).  On the way their we stopped to let the kiddos get some energy out.  There were no other kids so I was talked into playing as well.  :)

Ryne and Reese thought it was great fun to ride on top of me down the slide!

We made it to the hotel by bedtime and crashed after baths because we had an early morning coming up!
Ryne wanted her picture on the rock!  lol!
We were only in the car about an hour when both girls decided that a nap was in order.
We got there right in time for the parade!  So, we grabbed our Francis Family t-shirts and changed in a port-a-potty really quickly before hitting the street to catch some candy!  :)

love my girls!

Reese got one little smartie and was happy as could be about it!  

Ryne ended up borrowing Reese's hat to help carry her loot!
 Funny story - Reese got sprayed with a water gun and did not like it.  She started bawling and ran and wrapped her arms around Alicia's leg.  Alicia picked her up and she just buried her head and cried.  Well, I started talking to her and rubbing her back and she slowly looked up and cut her eyes to try to figure out who was holding her!  She ran to the first person with blonde hair, in jeans and a red shirt and thought it was me!  I was cracking up at her confused expression!

After the parade Poppy treated the kids to a pony ride!  Poor Reese wasn't big enough but she handled the disappointment gracefully!  :)

 Next up was turtle races!

After that we headed back to Grandmother and Granddad's for awhile.  The kiddos had a blast playing with their cousins!  Before long though they all needed naps so I loaded mine up to go check into the hotel.  Jeremy and Lance helped us get in before they left to play golf.  Once the girls settled down they were out!  I may have even grabbed a little nap myself!  :)  Then daddy came back for a quick shower before we headed back to the house.

Once we got back there it was lots of playing and eating!

We also tried for a big family picture!

These are just the great grandkids...

just the grands...
With the two groups above you can only imagine what the big group looks like once you add their kids, and all the spouses of their kids and grandkids...yikes!
After that it was time to head to the firework spot.  The kiddos had fun with sparklers while we waited.

After that late night it was a little hard to get going the next day!  Even once we got to grandmother's Reese looked kinda like this...
Thankfully that kid is always happy so even 1/2 asleep she was sweet.  :)

We stayed for a few hours and then we had to hit the road.  We drove back to Oklahoma City for the night because Jeremy was playing golf with some college buddies on Saturday.  We got there in time to check in and grab some dinner and then do some swimming (after hitting up a local wal-mart because we didn't bring suits!)!


We ended the night with baths, popcorn, and a little ipad...

The next day daddy headed off to golf and the girls and I were lazy in the hotel for awhile.  I had started feeling awful with a sinus infection so I was thankful for some snuggle time!

enjoying their milk but pretending it was coffee like mommy!  :)

You can only keep kids happy in a little room for so we headed to McD's to let them run around.  Reese fell asleep on the way their so Ryne played some games while she napped.

Reese woke up ready to play!

Ryne talked Reese into going up with her...this happened...
so mommy had to go rescue!  lol!  After that Reese stuck close by!

I found it funny that she was digging into the ketchup with ice cream sitting there!  ha!
Daddy and his friends joined us a little later.  They grabbed a quick bite (I'm sure they were loving being in the McD's play area!  ha!) and then we hit the road!  To say we were happy to be home is an understatement!  Ryne actually kissed the ground!  lol!  We had a great trip though...we always enjoy our time in Canadian!
 Jeremy and Ryne did end up getting back in the car to go get Phoebe and Star (Belle got to go to the Country Pet Spa!).  Reese and I stayed home to unpack and then I put Reese to bed.  She was pretty excited to be back in her bed!  Jeremy and Ryne had fun at GranJan and Pop's...she loves catching frogs and they have several!

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