Thursday, July 11, 2013

Museum outing...

We went to the Museum of Science and Discovery and were super impressed with the new building.  We went when we first moved here and bought the yearly membership...then we went this time.  Pretty sure we didn't get our money's worth on that membership!  lol!  We did enjoy both visits...just kind of a pain to get to it (both locations).  We asked GranJan if she wanted to join us and she did!  She came to our house after naps/quiet time and we headed to the museum.

The museum is 4 different levels and I am pretty sure the huge escalator and different stairs were Ryne and Reese's favorites!

 We went on a little simulator ride that "shrunk" us and then we were put down a drilled hole to see all the different rocks.  Reese started out wanting her own seat but joined me as soon as she felt the first bump.  :)  At the end they had to hurry up and shoot us back up the pipe so there was a big jolt and Reese yelled "Whoa, whoa!...everyone cracked up!

 The girls loved doing the interactive stuff...

We ended with the children's area.  Ryne and GranJan left their mark in the recycled sea area.  While they worked on their masterpieces, Reese and I went into the children's play area.

 We sat down to do some coloring and Ryne and GranJan joined us!
 Then it was time to show sissy all the cool stuff we found...

Ryne was shusshing me because she was on the phone with a customer!  lol!

yep...2 different flip flops.  Girl has her own style!  :)

 We stopped by to see Ryne and GranJan's creations on our way out...super cute!
We had a great day at the museum!  I only wish we would have taken advantage of our membership!  If we end up staying here we will probably get another one.  :)

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