Wednesday, July 10, 2013


This is just a hodgepodge of cuteness/funniness!
I could seriously eat this sweet girl up!
 Ryne and I went to a Sunday movie while Reese napped!  I love alone time with my big girl!
 She insisted on holding the door open for the entire theater that was packed!  :)
 Reese is all into pretend play now.  It is so cute to watch her play.  Somebody always seems to need help or want to go night-night though!  :)

sweet sisters playing together!
 My little bug lover loves to try to sneak in her friends!  Silly, sneaky girl!

 Reese is quite the little hide-n-seeker now!  This just happens to be her favorite hiding spot!
 I helped out in Reese's class one Sunday.  She loved going through the tunnel!

yummy lunch after church...they both needed to rest on the warm rock after filling their bellies!
 One day Ryne asked to lay down on my bed during quiet time.  I was on the treadmill and looked back and saw her sound asleep!  Precious!
 Ryne has always been a big entertainer!  She loves nothing more than having a crowd watch her!  She recently put on a circus for us that lasted about 30 minutes!  ha!
 Reese started to wander during the performance...
 then she decided to put on her own show!  :)
 We recently bought Reese a potty seat because I found a Minnie Mouse one and it was the ONLY one there.  Well she loved the seat!  Held it the whole way home, walked around with it once we got home, and talked about it non-stop.  We put it on the potty and tried to get her to sit on it and she yelled "EW"!  Ha!  Now before you start thinking the potty was dirty/ wasn't.  I have always kept Reese away from potties by saying "Ew, that's yucky" because you know curious hands!  Well, now she refuses to touch the potty or even her MM seat!  ha!  We will revisit the idea in a few months.  :)
 My parents came for a visit a few weeks ago and our little cowgirl needed a picture with them.  :)
 We have gone through the outside water toys!  They love the sprinkler Gi-Gi got them!
 Reese still just wants to sit IN the water table!  :)

I have a few more random pics to post well as some not so random stuff!  :)

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