Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Randomness part 2!

It had already gotten so hot here that we play outside in the morning and then try to fill the rest of our day with indoor activities!  The girls both love to paint so we do alot of that!
 We also play inside at CFA and McD's...
Ryne is with us but super hard to get a picture of that speedy girl!
 If we do play outside in the afternoon...water is a must!  :)
 A typical morning starts with us heading to the backyard around 8 or 8:30!  Our backyard stays shady until around 10 so we play without the need of sunscreen!  It's the small things people!  :)

 We bake at least one afternoon a week.  I am loving Mix n Match Momma's simple recipes!
 Sometimes we have played so hard this happens...
 Every day is filled with silly, silly girls!

Reese is saying "Yeehaw"!  lol!
We have enjoyed eating on the patio of our new favorite Mexican place.  It isn's Senior Tequila but pretty close!  :)
 CFA offers fun stuff every now and then and we of course had to take advantage of the petting zoo!
 Pops and GranJan had us over for dinner one night and the girls had so much fun with all the lizards there!  I am not a huge fan so Ryne and Reese thought it was so funny when Ryne put one on my shoulder and then on my head!  Reese actually climbed in my lap a few minutes after the head incident and laughed and said "lizard on mommy head"!  That was the first time she had ever talked about something that happened!  So cute!
I think my next few post will be less random and make more sense!  :)

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