Thursday, July 11, 2013

NWA visitors!

Our old neighbors (who we miss so much!) came to see us a couple weeks ago!  We were so excited to have them come stay with us a couple of days...even better because they were here on Reese's actual birthday!  Reese and Lily were first friends so I know Reese loved having her here to help celebrate!  :)
I think it is so funny that Reese is standing on her tip-toes! 

 Ryne was so happy to have her BFF to hang out with!  They played hard and loved hanging out watching a movie at bed time.
 The next day was filled with lots of playtime inside and outside!
a table full of girls!
 They were worn out after lunch so the babies went down for naps and the big girls watched a movie in my room.  The dogs all enjoyed the piece and quiet too and piled up with me in the chair!
 I checked in on the girls and they were being silly as usual!

 Before long everyone was up and ready to play again!
 Daddy came home that night and since it was Reese's birthday(!) he brought pizza and cupcakes!  :)  We sang happy birthday to her and she loved it!  :)

cute Lily!
Despite the serious pose that Ryne is doing...she sure loves Olivia!
The girls loved having their friends here as did I!  It was so good to have some girl talk and down time with a sweet friend!

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