Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Possibly our last trip to the Zoo...

Until Fall Anyways!  It is just too darn hot!  We went one afternoon a couple weeks ago and had a blast despite the heat!

 I always feel so bad for the gorillas!  They seem so sad!  :(

 Ryne is such a ham!!!

my favorite!
 We always try to do the monorail because it is Ryne's favorite.

 On this visit their were some guest unwilling to share the track!  ha!  We had to wait about 5 minutes for them to move and they didn't look too happy about it!
 I love the giraffes!

 Just sign these girls up for the circus!  :)

 No trip would be complete without a favorite ride!

 We shut the place down!  The girls were so sweet walking out together.  I love my kiddos!

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