Monday, July 8, 2013

MM pj's and Belle...

Reese loves a certain Minnie Mouse pj.  Like wants to wear them all day every day!  If we are just hanging at home I let her get by with staying in her beloved pj's all day.  Those might be her favorite days!  :)
water fun in the kitchen!
Ryne and I were reading on the couch and I looked over to see a completely sacked out Reese!
Ryne loves her new pet!
they will be BFFs
Belle is just a big ole baby that tries to be on us whenever possible!  ha!

Reese loves her pj's so much that we sometimes borrow sis's pj's when hers are dirty!  ;)
And sometimes we can get by with different pants as long as MM is on top!
or no pants at all!  lol!
Yep, big ole baby!  
Isn't she sweet though!
She is a crazy sleeper!
On this particular day she had like 5 accidents in like 30 minutes.  I really contemplated whether or not she would ever come back inside!  Ha!  Thankfully those days are behind us and she hasn't had an accident in quite some time...knock on wood!

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