Saturday, November 10, 2012

Ryne's 5th birthday - A Bug Party!

My little girl asked for a bug party.  What the birthday girl wants, the birthday girl gets!  If you know Ryne then you know she is a bug lover!  She likes to catch them and play with them...even takes them for walks and bike rides!  So I guess this request shouldn't have surprised me too much!  So we decided to rent a pavilion at the park for some good ole birthday bug hunting fun!
Make your own bug house table...

The cute goody bags that I forgot to pass out!  oops!

Bug suckers...

The cup"cake" table.

Gotta have dirt cake complete with bugs at a bug party!

The food table consisted of walking sticks and lady bugs (veggies with dip), peanut butterflies and jelly sandwiches, ham and cheese cut out like caterpillars and bumblebees, lady bug crackers (triskets, cream cheese, and pepperoni), grub worm salad (chicken salad), and caterpillars (grapes on a skewer).  

Of course everyone had to get their own wings!

My bug loving birthday girl!
swinging with Jayleen

love her wings!

fly butterfly, fly!

making some bug houses...

the lone "big" boy...he had it made with all those girls!  :)

Guess who found a real bug?!

handsome boy!

catching lots of candy!

I can't believe she is 5!!

photo bombed by Brock!  

Ava having fun and getting dizzy!

Reese thinks she is just as big!

Audey swinging high!

love this girl!

C is so stinkin' cute!


bye hugs to Lauren.

Reese hanging with Uncle Lance!
We had such a great time with family and friends!  The weather was perfect and the kiddos all seemed to have fun.  To me, that makes a successful party!  :)

1 comment:

  1. Ryne's bug birthday party was most definitely a complete success....thanks to her party-planning mom. Girl, you truly are so gifted....and with you, the party gets a planner and a photographer! We had so much fun....can't wait to see what our little sweet darlin requests for her next birthday party.
