Thursday, November 1, 2012

Dorothy and the Lion...

I LOVED the girls in their costumes this year.  They were so stinkin' cute!  Of course Ryne had to have a ToTo in the pictures and thought Star was perfect. She was pretty disappointed that Star couldn't tag along in a basket...but she got over it!  :)

She is a pretty good roarer!

She is such a poser!  Love it!

And we are off!
 First stop was Nanny's house!  Ryne surprised her because she had no idea we were coming by!  She loved seeing the girls all dressed up!

Ryne and Uncle Gene
 After that we grabbed dinner and headed to GranJan and Pops.  We scarfed down dinner and hit the streets!  I think Reese would have been happy hanging out and passing out candy!  She had a blast walking around and walked at least half the time.  This was Ryne's first year to trick or treat and she loved it!  She was so excited and loved talking to the other kids and seeing their costumes.  The girls both thought they were big stuff out walking the streets after dark!  :)

Ryne enjoyed every body's decorations too!

This cute little lion didn't get any candy but still had a load of fun!

We made a loop and then let Ryne help hand out candy for a few minutes.  Then we headed home with two worn out but happy girls!  Ryne has already talked about the next time we go trick or treating!  :)

1 comment:

  1. Pops and I totally enjoyed getting to share Halloween with you, Jeremy and the girls....their first trick-or-treating experience. Thank you for sharing it with us! We love hanging out at home handing out candy and seeing all the cute and scary costumes. :D What a bonus this year! The girls could not have been any cuter!!! And...awesome pictures...making more memories!!!
