Thursday, November 15, 2012

Aladdin and x-rays...

We were able to go to Jan and Ken's school last Thursday night for a play.  They put on a play just for kids as a fundraiser.  Ryne loved it!  The story line was a little different from the Aladdin that we all know and love but it was still really good.  The monkey was pretty funny!
Reese wasn't too sure!  lol!
Ryne got up close and personal with the stars!  :)

I so don't want to think about these two being big enough to use lockers like these!

The next morning we went to the pediatrician about Ryne's foot.  She hurt it on the carousel at the Zoo (on Tuesday) but didn't really complain about it until Wednesday while we were at GWL.  My arches were kinda hurting from walking barefoot on concrete the whole time we were there so we thought it might just be that.  I should add that she was still running around like the wild child that she is!  :)  However, when I picked her up from school on Thursday I noticed that she had started favoring it.  So we made an appointment for Friday morning.  After seeing the pediatrician we were sent over for x-rays.  I did not come prepared for such a long wait (especially while waiting for x-rays) but both girls were troopers.

We got a call about an hour after being home that her foot appears to be fine.  Yay!  She said for Ryne to take it easy and keep her foot elevated and if it still bothers her in a couple of weeks to go back in.  Yeah right that she will be taking it easy!  Ryne was pretty bummed though because she really wanted some "crunches"!  :)

1 comment:

  1. Super excited to have you all visit South Garland...and loved that Ryne wanted to see Gran Jan's room! It was totally my pleasure to show it off....and was so glad you guys could make it to the show. The students did such a great times!
