Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Last minute trip

We had pictures with my step-sister-in-law (?!) Jamie last Sunday afternoon.  She is amazing and I can't wait to see them!  Jeremy had to drive to The Woodlands, TX that night.  We were talking on the way home how we should have just planned for us girls to tag along.  Well, the almost birthday girl heard that and starting begging to go!  So we rushed home to pack, drop the dogs off at Pops and Gran Jan's and hit the road.  Both girls fell asleep after about an hour and slept until we got to the hotel.  Then they were ready to party!  It was after midnight before we got everyone settled in for the night.

Jamie snapped this picture on her phone to post to Facebook...I snagged it!  :)
excited for a road trip!

This little stinker did not want to go back to sleep!

The next day we were up early (6am) thanks to a lovely skylight!  Daddy went to work and us girls had a fun day exploring a new place.  
Hanging out on the balcony before leaving for our day of fun!
Our first stop was the mall.  They had a really nice mall super close to the hotel.  We got there before any shops opened but still had fun walking around.  We found a pet store and both girls loved watching the kittens and birds through the window.  They also had a nice play area.  The girls had it to themselves and had a blast!

tweeting at the birds...so cute but very high pitched!
After playing for awhile we went to Build A Bear.  Ryne loves making new friends there!  She picked out a cute pink and purple bear and added a fun birthday song sound chip.  Super cute!  Reese picked out a rainbow bear.  She held on tight and didn't even want to hand it over to get filled!  It was so sweet watching her put in the heart.  She kept trying to put more in so the lady let her bear have 3 hearts!  :)

The girls and their creations!

Our next stop was a movie theater to watch Wreck It Ralph.  I have no idea why I thought a movie with both girls by myself would be a good idea.  Reese was bored with the popcorn after the previews and then the battle to keep her still started.  Reese and I ended up walking the stairs...we probably made 20 trips.  My back actually started hurting from being hunched over holding her hands.  She was loving it though!  Ryne said the movie was cute though and has asked to go back to watch it again!  :)
Both girls were pretty worn out by then and crashed as soon as we got to the car.  I let them get a nap in and then we headed to wait for Daddy to finish up.  While we waited we played on the resort grounds. They had sand volleyball, horse shoes, sandboxes, and a bunch of other stuff to keep the girls happy and burn off some energy before the long car ride home.

There's Daddy!
We had so much fun and I am so glad that we decided to tag along.  It was totally worth the drive and lack of sleep!  :)

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