Tuesday, November 13, 2012

8 days and counting...

We started a new tradition this year that I think is alot of fun - a birthday countdown!  Ryne loves to countdown until her birthday so I thought a visual reminder might help.  She loved popping a balloon every day to find out what fun activity we were going to do.  It was a fun week!

Day 1 - getting a balloon animal from Kroger.  She loves the balloon animals that are on a leash.  She got a giraffe a while back and still talks about it.  So, we headed to Kroger to let her pick one out.  Unfortunately they didn't have any balloon animals...bummer!  However, they had several fun stations set up with games and activities for halloween.  She got to play a couple games, get her face painted, and do a cake walk.  We left with a ton of candy!  She also picked out a different balloon.  It was the breast cancer ribbon but she called it her pretzel balloon.  :)  Of course we let little sister pick one out too and she went for a spider!  Crazy girl!
Two happy girls and their balloons!  Reese's had a rough ride home and was never the same!  lol!
Day 2 - was a surprise present.  Stompie Slippers!  She had seen them on tv and really wanted the purple unicorn.  She had a blast stomping around the house!          

Day 3 - Spa Day!  We broke out the nail polish and did facials.  My little girl loves to be pampered.  She also talked me into letting her paint my toe nails.  That was interesting!  :)

Day 5 - another surprise!  A cool make your own tent kit.  It is like a big Knex.  We had so much fun working on it together!  
Day 6 - BIRTHDAY PARTY!!!  There is a whole post on that though!  :)

Day 7 - "Ryne's choice".  She picked fishing with Daddy!  They had so much fun even if they didn't catch much.  :)  Reese and I walked down to the pond to take them drinks but then left them for some daddy daughter time.  I think they both enjoyed that!

Day 8 - Sleepover with Mommy!  We barely got that one in due to a last minute tag along with daddy!  That one is on it's own post too though!  :)  I enjoyed spending the last night of my little girl being 4 watching a movie and sleeping under her bed.  She has grown up SO much and WAY too fast!  I hope she always wants to have a sleep over with her old mom!
The last pictures of my crazy little 4 year old!!

1 comment:

  1. Your Kroger is way cooler than my Kroger! Ha Looks like she had a fabulous birthday week! And the turtles in the previous post cracked me up:)
