Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Ryne is 5!!!

I still can't believe my baby girl is 5!  Where did the time go?!  We wanted to have tons of fun on her actual birthday so we planned a really special day.  We started it by having a Mommy and Ryne sleep-over on her birthday eve.  When she woke up she was surprised to see a cake, balloons, and banner!  She was super excited to eat cake for breakfast!  Reese thought it was pretty cool too!  
my big 5 year old!

making silly faces...

Reese tried to copy!  :)
After our sugar high breakfast we headed to the zoo.  It was a beautiful day for the zoo!  There were no crowds either which was awesome!

They have a really neat play area for the kids.  Both girls enjoyed running around "getting some energy out".  They also have a neat little petting zoo which Ryne loved.

One of her very favorite parts though was chasing a squirrel!  He was taunting her big time!  He would stay just out of her reach but never went too high on the tree for her to reach.  It was pretty funny to watch.  :)


posing with a rhino!

Reese cracked us up chasing this poor guy all over.  He ran like she would really be able to grab him!

Trying out the hurricane simulator.  Fun!

Trying so hard to be as big as sister!

The birds were awesome!!  They were so friendly and would land on you where ever they could.  I was only in for a few minutes and had a constant rotation of birds landing on my head, shoulders, camera...whatever!

Ryne about died laughing because the bird flew off her and towards this kid who completely flipped out!  ha!  It was pretty comical!

She got to feed the giraffes and that was super cool!  There was one zoo employee that was obviously very chummy with the giraffes.  They kept coming up and nuzzling him, pretty cool.

We rode the carrousel at the end.  Reese loves it so much!!
Daddy and his girls!

Love these two so much!

She told me to stop taking pictures!  ha!

She isn't alone...Jeremy is just ducking!

We took this picture and then she climbed down.  On the way down she kinda fell and landed on her ankle.  We ended up having to go in for x-rays but they think all is well and it will just be sore for awhile.  

She picked out this panda on the way out.  One happy girl!
We had Ryne take a nap on the way to our next destination...she had no idea we had anything else planned!

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