Thursday, November 15, 2012

One kiddo...

I remember when Ryne was a baby and doing things with one kid seemed kinda hard.  Well now just having one is a total breeze!  When Ryne was around one, a guy that Jeremy worked with (who had multiple kids) asked J what we did with all our free time!  At the time we thought he was nuts...I mean free time yeah right!  lol!  Now whether I just have Ryne or just have Reese it is SO easy!  I'm sure if we had 3 I would talk about how easy it was with just two!  :)  Anyways, all that was to say that one night Ryne spent the night at GranJan's.  We met up with them the next day for lunch and before meeting them we ran a few errands.  Reese enjoyed being the only kiddo with both parents but we were all ready to get big sis back!  :)

She got a big kick out of the dog at Old Navy but wouldn't get close to it!

We beat them to the restaurant and Reese entertained herself by trying to lock people out!  Check out her extreme look of concentration!  :)

She also played with random hands on the other side of the glass!  :)

So happy to see this little dancer!  

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