Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Great Wolf Lodge

Ryne and Reese both slept in the car on the way to GWL.  Once Ryne woke up we drove around to the front for her to guess where we were.  She was excited but then confused because she didn't have a bathing suit...surprise!  Mommy packed everything you would need and daddy snuck it in the trunk!  :) We checked in and one little girl could not wait to hit the waterpark!

The first day was super fun but I didn't take any pictures!  :)  Ryne was big enough to do all but 2 slides!  That is CRAZY!  She loved doing the grown-up slides with us.  We took turns hanging out with Reese and going on slides with Ryne.  It was so much fun!  Ryne still enjoyed the middle size slides quite a bit and Reese loved splashing in that area while she was sliding.  Reese loved the slides for little ones too.  She probably did them 50 times.

We played until around 7 and then headed to the room for baths, pizza, then bed.  Both girls were wired!  Ryne finally settled down after a couple of books but Reese would not lay down until the lights were off and we were all in bed!

The next morning we ate breakfast and then headed back to the waterpark.  I took some pictures of the fun before Jeremy took all our stuff to the car.

trying to drink the water!  yuck!

still trying to drink the water!

She had that smile pretty much the whole time we were there!

Yep, J tricked her into standing there when the big bucket dumped.  4000 gallons of water!

waiting on sissy and so happy about it!

I wish I would have kept the camera long enough to take pictures of Ryne jumping waves in the wave pool...it was awesome!  She also met a super cute little boy named Noah, who kept trying to give her knuckles and she acted completely clueless(!), they were inseparable...until we asked if she wanted to go down the big slides!  :)

We stayed through the afternoon and left tired but happy!  I think she had a pretty great birthday!

1 comment:

  1. WOW! This looks like fun....Pops and I are going to have to check it out! :D What a great idea for a birthday surprise for Ryne...and Reese didn't seem to mind it at all. HA! Family fun....what it's all about!
