Thursday, November 1, 2012


I have been so bad about blogging milestones with Reese!  Sorry baby girl but it isn't on purpose!  We absolutely adore this girl and she keeps us laughing.  She is going to be funny just like her sister!  She has the best laugh and will even snort when something really tickles her!  She is busy, busy.  She LOVES babies and you can often catch her loving on a baby or sharing her snack with a baby.  She also loves to feed our dogs.  She will give them one little piece of food at a time and bark at them to call them for more.  Her very favorite thing to do is to go outside.  She comes running when a door is open and you better not leave her behind!  She is the sweetest little thing.  She gives hugs often and out of the blue.  I love her more than life!

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