Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Weekend trip...

We made a trip to Texas this past weekend.  We got there Friday night.  Reese did awesome on the trip.  She slept 5 hours before we decided we needed to wake her up and feed her before we got stuck on stretch of nowhere to stop.  We stopped at the Texas welcome center and let Ryne run around to get some energy out...girl has alot!  lol!

On Saturday we headed out to Canton.  If you have never been - go!  :)  It is a really cool place filled with really cool stuff.  It was crazy busy this time.  It was hard to get in the booths with the stroller, so I'm sure we missed seeing some stuff.  We didn't buy a ton of stuff, but I got alot of cute ideas I hope to recreate!  Oh, and J picked up a little something. ha!  I did get some cute dresses and outfits for the girls too!  :)

They had a little ride for the kiddos!

Hard to tell but the toy sitting beside Ryne is a pony that she picked out.  She had $20 to spend and that was what she chose!  :)
 That night Nanny came over for dinner.  It was her first time to meet Reese!  I think they liked each other!

Yep...this is what J picked up!  Seriously?!

 The next morning we loaded up pretty early to meet Poppy, GranDi, and Lance.  After breakfast at IHOP we let Ryne run around in a grassy area while we visited.  She had everyone racing and playing tag.  That girl knows how to take charge!  :)

The ride home was pretty easy as well.  Reese hasn't been a fan of the car, but she did great!  It was a nice weekend and really great to see some family.

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