Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween cuties and Reese is 4 months!

We have had alot of fun this year!  It is always fun dressing up Ryne and this year was double the fun with Reese!  We snapped a couple of pictures before church of the girls in their Halloween-ish attire!  :)

Ryne wanted the pups in a pictures!  Our 4 girls!

Getting so so big!

Ryne is such a good big sis!

 This was Ryne's original costume - Rapunzel.  However, the costume bothered her so we had to go back to the store and pick through the very few left!  Luckily we found another princess that she was excited about!  That one will be posted later though.
Cute little Rapunzel!

The girls got some cute Halloween buckets (courtesy of Amanda!), so we had to take their pictures with them!

Notice how Reese is arching her back and flailing her arms...she does that any time wind blows in her face!  It was really windy so we didn't stay outside long!

I can't believe my baby girl is 4 months old!!!  She is growing up entirely too fast!  She is weighing in at 15 pounds and is 24 inches long.  Her doctor said she is perfect!  She had to get a couple shots and, I kid you not, only cried for maybe 5 seconds.  She is a tough little girl!  She is still sleeping through the night (about 12 hours) and waking up around 8 or 8:30.  She has done that since about 2 months and it still amazes me!  She is "talking" and squealing all the time and I love it!  She is so so happy and so so sweet!  I think she gets about 1000 kisses a day.  She has started being ticklish and will just laugh and laugh when it find her ticklish spots.  She has also really figured out how to splash and soaks me about every bath!  lol! 

Reese Finley - you are so precious.  We absolutely adore you!  I love watching you grow and learn new things...but at the same time I want you to stay my little baby forever!  The way you smile makes the recipient feel like they are the most important person in the world.  I love you baby girl!

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