Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Recent phone pics...

I might have shared some of these before, so just ignore duplicates!  

My little dancer!

The babies "watching" their big sisters dance!  Denton, Natalie, and Reese.

Soccer girl!

eating a yummy cupcake at a friend's party.

love this silly girl!

this girl loves to dance!

sometimes Reese can sleep anywhere!

Ryne and I worked a bunch of puzzles one day!  We use to do this at my Gi-Gi's house.  We filled her kitchen floor with puzzles!

love this sweet girl!

putting our boxes to good use!  :)

On Monday night I went to a women's dinner/talk called the Uninvited guest.  It was an amazing night, very sad and touching, but amazing.  It was the longest I had ever been away from Reese - 3t hours!!!  I have only been away for her for an hour or so and that has just been a couple of times.  I missed my baby girl!  From her big smile and laugh when I got home...I think she missed me too!  :)

I don't think this baby could be any cuter!

We have had a busy week and this weekend will be busy as well.  We are looking forward to it though! 

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