Friday, September 30, 2011

Reese is 3 months!

I meant to post these pictures earlier this week...oops!  I have been taking her picture on her "birthday" each month, just like I did for Ryne!  :)  It is cool to look back and see how much she has changed and grown in such a short amount of time.  Her smile could brighten anyone's day!

Somebody has found their voice and loves to talk!

Still a blue-eyed girl!

She completely fit in this basket when she was born.  Now not so much!

I love her worried look! 

Still a little worried and not a fan of tummy time!

We got big sis to join us for a couple.  I love their coordinating outfits...thank you zulily!  :)

Ryne is such a great big sis!
Of course I had to let my big girl ham it up a bit and have her turn in front of the camera!  She is so silly!

Reese - you bring us so much joy every single moment!  You are so happy and are such a blessing to us.  I can't imagine life before our sweet Reese!  You are still sleeping like a champ.  You are down for the night about 9:30 and you sleep until sometime between 6:30 and 9:00.  Most mornings you wake up around 8.  You always wake up so happy and smiley even though you must be starving!  You very rarely cry.  Except in the hate the car!  But you are a trooper and do pretty good with this on the go family! 
I love you so much and I'm so happy that God chose me to be your mommy!

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