Monday, October 24, 2011

Nothing special...

Just some pictures of my girls.  This little one loves hanging out in the tub.  It will be so sad when she outgrows the little pink tub!

Ryne was pumped to have her hair up in 1(!) ponytail!  Her hair is getting so long.  It surprises me every time I brush it after baths.
 It rained some so of course Ryne had to do some splashing in a puddle.  I mean hello...that is what rain boots are for! 

 Reese is not a huge fan of tummy time.  She seems to do a little better if she has something to look at.  What better thing then that adorable little face?!
 Ryne is very into puzzles right now!  We work them all the time.  She has gotten really good at them and has even been doing them completely by herself!  Such a big girl!
 Oh how I love this little cowgirl!  She has been obsessed with these boots off and on for the past 6 months.  They have been worn a ton and look like they have been well loved!  ha!

 Check out that little cutie pie!
 Reese is loving her exersaucer!  I have to put hand towels around her but she will just smile and look around like she is big stuff!  She is such a sweet and happy baby girl!

Last Thursday we went to the PP with some LR friends.  I'll post on that next!

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