Monday, October 17, 2011

Weekend friends...

We had such a great weekend!  We started the weekend a little early by going to Outback on Thursday.  Ryne had so much fun coloring with her Daddy while waiting for food.  She has recently started taking coloring very serious and gets upset when she can't stay in the lines.
Just the girls!

Friday night we had some wonderful visitors!  Kristen and the boys made the trip to see us and meet Reese!  Ryne and Tucker had so much fun playing Friday night.  They would have stayed up playing and watching Smurfs all night if we let them!  They were ready to go again bright and early on Saturday!  Cooper was so cute keeping up with the big kids!  They played board games, rode bikes, played in Ryne's room, played on the swingset, and even went on a bug hunt or two!   My only regret is that we didn't get a picture with all the kiddos!  Either Reese was asleep or they were playing too hard.  Maybe next time!
yes, they did bump heads doing this!

little cutie!

all aboard!

taking a break from riding bikes

Ryne was introducing her friends to Tucker!

this is probably the most still they were all weekend!
We had such a great time getting to has been way too long!  Hopefully next visit will include Josh!

On a side note - Ryne is obsessed with bugs!  Sorry KB if her obsession rubbed off on T!  She has a "pet" butterfly that she calls butter.  Any time we see a butterfly she gets all excited and says it's her friend butter.  She had pointed out her friend to her KDO teachers and anyone around when she sees her little friend.  It is really funny!  One day we were walking out of Target and she saw a butterfly she said "Oh look it's butter!  How did you get here butter?  You must be so tired of flying.  Wanna ride with us?"  lol!  I love that silly girl!

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