Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Busy busy weekend!

We had a busy but fun weekend.  Friday night started with me going to a concert - Needtobreathe.  Griffin got in town shortly after I left to meet up with some friends.  Jeremy and him took Ryne to FNO at our church and they kept Reese with them.  The girls and I grabbed dinner before heading to the Amp.  While we were waiting for the concert to start, Jeremy called.  He said Reese was hysterical and would not take a bottle.  Yikes!  They were close by so I walked out to the parking lot to wait for them.  Reese gave me a huge smile when she saw me.  Little stinker!  ha!  After feeding Reese I went back to the concert and the guys headed to pick up Ryne and go home.  Thankfully once they got home Reese went down without a problem and slept the whole night.  The concert was amazing!  I had been told that they were awesome live and they definitely lived up to that! 
This group had fun dancing in the grass!

I had to make a trip to Wal-Mart on the way home (the guys were going to go but with Reese having such a rough time they decided they better just get Ryne and go home).  It was pretty busy for midnight! Needless to say when I got home I was ready to crash!  The Manleys had made it there by then too.

The guys got up early to golf.  Of course with 4 kids (ours plus Catch and Brooks) the girls got up early too!  ha!  The guys try to pack in as much to a weekend as humanly possible.  So...they golfed, watched the TX/OU game, played football, went bowling, and played tennis.  Crazy!  Ryne had fun playing with Catch and the babies had fun looking at each other!  lol!

the daddies were holding the babies so we took the big kids outside.

3D chalk is the best!

Even though Texas lost...gotta represent!  :)

Ryne and Catch

They were trying to get Catch to do the upside down horns!  Ha!

They all headed home late Sunday afternoon.  We ended up meeting some friends for some corn maze fun after that.  Those pictures to follow!

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