Thursday, October 27, 2011

The weeks fly by so fast!

Our weeks fly by...I mean FLY by!  It makes me a little sad how fast they go because that just means that my girls are growing up too fast!  Like my almost 4 year old (!) looking at the jewelry at Sam's one day made me realize how soon she will be looking for prom jewelry, senior rings, and one day wedding rings.  It truly does go by too fast.

I like this MUCH better! 
Poor Ryne took a hard fall on Monday.  We were going out to check the mail.  Ryne was running (because you know everything is a race to her!) and busted it!  She ended up skinning both knees, her hands, and taking a chunk off the tip of one big toe and another chunk off the other big toe below the nail.  Ouch!! I had Reese in my arms and it was interesting getting her picked up off the sidewalk and carrying them both inside.  After she was all bandaged up I set her up in the recliner and she stayed there until bedtime!  I don't think she has ever sat that long!
She even got to eat her dinner there so she thought she was BIG stuff!
Today we went to CEC after KDO.  Ryne asked if we could go and I though why not.  It was a yucky and rainy day so that was the perfect place to play.  There were only a few other kids there.  We had alot of fun playing games and won a whopping 26 tickets!  :)
Reese's first trip to CEC!  :)

Love this little cowgirl!

They had Fall parties at KDO and did facepainting.  Ryne loved her rainbow and was super bummed to have to wash it off during bath tonight!

I could just eat her up!

She was saying "look mommy, there are speakers in the back".  Daddy will be so proud!  :)

Seriously, so precious!

She had to talk to CEC a couple of times!  :)
It was a fun afternoon!  We have a fun weekend planned too.  We have several projects that we need to finish up as we'll be busy!

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