Thursday, October 27, 2011

Last weekend...

We started the weekend off with a trip to Fun City Pizza.  We met our neighbors there for some pizza and fun!  Ryne and Olivia had a blast playing games and the babies just hung out.  It won't be long before they are running around too!  (Insert sad sad face!)

 After we left there we headed home because Pops and GranJan were coming in for the weekend.  We visited Friday afternoon and then that night they watched Ryne so we could have a date night.  So we picked up McD's on the way to the movie date right?!  lol!  We saw Moneyball, it was a great movie!  Reese only fell asleep for about the last 30 minutes, but she did awesome.  She just hung out in her carseat and smiled so sweetly at everyone.  :)  I know we are pushing it taking her everywhere with us, but she is just SO easy and good!

The next morning we got up and headed to Ft. Smith to ride the train.  We rode to Winslow and back.  Ryne really enjoyed the trip and did great until about the last 30 minutes.  She was ready to get off by then and it was a bit of a struggle to keep her in a seat!  It was a really pretty ride though and I think we all enjoyed it.
Waiting on the train...Reese did not like the loud whistle!

excited girl!

One of the few pictures of the 4 of us!

Pops and GranJan

Posing it up! 

All Aboard!

I love Ryne's little waves!  :)

Some parts of the trip were pretty high!

yep, Reese slept almost the whole trip!

Iphone looks like she's giving a thumbs up!
That night I went to a movie with some girl friends.  We went to see Footloose...LOVED it!  I personally liked it better than the original, but that's just me.  It was pretty much exactly like the first one.  Even the same exact lines in some scenes.  BTW - can Julianne Hough be any more beautiful?!  I mean seriously.gorgeous.

Sunday was a pretty lazy day.  Pops and GranJan had to leave around 1.  The only thing we did was grocery fun!  It was a great weekend though!  Our next few weekends are going to be busy, but fun!  :)

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