Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Summer days...

This kid has so much energy!  He is loads of fun and never stops!  He always has a snack in hand too!  Boy loves his food!  I'm sure it gives him comfort to be carry around a snack, so we are completely fine with it!

 We went on our first walk/bike ride.  It was HOT, but the kids were troopers!
 We made it down to the little park and played for a few minutes.

 While there, Jeter fell and scraped his knee pretty bad.  He just jumped right up and started going again.  I had to get him to let me see and he had blood dripping down his leg.  I don't know if he has a high pain tolerance, just too busy to care, or if he is used to getting hurt and not really getting attention or taken care of.  :(

We headed back home once the water started running out.
 This sweet boy fell asleep so I rolled him right into his room!
 He only slept about 45 minutes.  We snuggled for a bit and then set up the slip n slide!

 He wasn't too sure about it at first!

 But soon figured out that he liked playing in the water!

 While we were outside our neighbors (originally from China!) came out to say hi and meet Jeter!  It was pretty cool!
Another day and we are settling into our routine pretty nicely!

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