Thursday, June 23, 2016

Arkansas bound...

Jeter survived his first road trip!  The kids and I loaded up to help celebrate the adoption on cousin Jillian.  The trip was a little rough at times.  Lots of traffic...
 We came really close to running out of gas...
 and Jeter was like this for at least 1/2 the trip...
 so Reese managed as well as she could...
 but then we got there, checked in, changed into swimsuits, and went to meet a friend...
 and it was nothing but smiles!
 We had so much fun with the Sanders girls!  Jeter was a little outnumbered but he didn't mind!  It was great for the girls to get to play and I loved catching up with LA!
 After swimming and a pool side picnic we headed back for showers and bed.  It took awhile to get the crazies to calm down enough to sleep, and we may have gotten a noise complaint!  eek!

 Finally they slept and the next morning we left bright and early to see Jillian become a Martin!  No phones were allowed in the court house, but we were able to get a cousin picture at Ihop!

 Ryne loves her PapPaw!

 Jeter's first time at IHOP and I think he approved!
 He basically took my plate away!  ha!
 We said our goodbyes and hit the road home.  My mom rode back with us so it was way easier to handle my 3 crazies!  We took a little detour to visit my childhood BFF!  Our sweet boys were so cute together!

We definitely had some stressful, not so fun moments...but overall it was a pretty great first road trip for Jeter! ;)

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