Sunday, June 26, 2016

Reese is turning 5!

After we celebrated Jeter, we headed up to a paint place to celebrate Reese!

  My little princess found a princess cake that she just had to have!  

 My art loving girl was pretty pumped to get started!
 Jeter was a little tired, over stimulated, and kinda crazy!  There was a lot of breakable stuff...but thankfully it all remained unharmed!
 She had lots of friends there...

 Everyone had to have a turn on the throne...even Daddy!  ;)

 We sang happy birthday and she blew her candles out like a pro!
 3 little Francis'
 These boys I just know will be great friends!
 We loaded up and headed home for a little bit before the Grands had to go home.

 The next day my sweet girl helped load up and deliver all the donations she collected instead of birthday presents from friends.  This made a lot of kids at a camp super happy I'm sure!  ;)
Happy birthday sweet girl!  You are just a little ray of sunshine!  I feel so blessed that you are ours!  You are growing into a wonderful big sister and handling so many changes.  I am so proud of you!  4 was a fun year with you...but every year has been so fun!  I can't wait to see what year 5 brings!

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