Monday, June 6, 2016

Settling in and Jet Lag!

So we are figuring out this family of 5 stuff and trying to settle into a new routine.  But man oh man...jet lag!  Woo, it's a doozie!  Little man doesn't seem to be that bothered by it, but he goes full speed all the time!
 This one has been making us laugh at the places and situations that she falls asleep!  ;)
 Another sleep little girl...
 but nope, not this guy!
 This was the perfect size for a little ride!  ;)
 Jeter is loving baths now!  The more bubbles the better!  He would probably take 5 baths a day if we let him.  If he sees anyone else in the tub he about loses his mind to get in too!  ;)
 The girls and I did a little baking during Jeter's nap one day...
 They were anxious for him to wake up!
 They took a break to play...
 finished up baking...

 Oh and poor Dusty...
 Jeter adds a whole other level to messiness!
 The fort they built ended up being perfect for a little nap!  Ryne slept over 3 hours under there!
 And this boy fell asleep at Target!
 Thankfully, Reese has been able to hang on to her amazing chopstick skills that she picked up in China!  ;)

 So lots of sweet bonding, random naps, and little girls wide awake at 11pm!  

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