Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Reese is 5!

Reese's birthday started out with presents...
 Then her choice - a trip to the Zoo!
 It was HOT...but we were all smiles!

 Sometimes being a mom is a piece of cake...
 other times things get out of hand!  

 When it started getting really hot we hit the splash pad!

 They splashed a played for about an hour, then it was time to dry off with a snack.
 Next stop...
 It was Jeter's first time!  We rode once and then it started pouring!  
 So we hung out and watched it for a bit...
 took a couple selfies...
 Then decided to buy some umbrellas!  ;)
 This boy was worn out and decided to sleep through the fun of getting back to the car!  ;)
 Once we got home, Reese tried out her bubble machine before we all got cleaned up for her birthday dinner!
Once daddy got home, we headed to PlayTime Pizza!
 It was pretty empty which was so nice!

 Ryne being a good sport!

 I hung out with little man...
 while the bigs did this...

 Jeter and I could see them through the window!  He waved every time!  :)
 Time for more games...
 I did a little Putt Putt with the birthday girl!
 This poor guy had an overstimulated meltdown!

 So we called it quits and took the amazing 5 year old (and her siblings) how for bed.
Happy birthday to my favorite 5 year old!  You are a sweet, kind, loving, free spirit and I love you more than life itself!

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