Tuesday, June 7, 2016

First pool trip...

So I was feeling brave and decided to take the kiddos to the pool.  We are about 1/2 a mile from our pool, but with 3 kids and all the stuff...we drive!  ;)
 The girls jumped right in, but this guy was all about the snacks!
 A possible temper tantrum happened over dropping some chips in a muddy puddle and mean mommy not letting him eat them anyways!
 But then he found the pool!

 Oh I love this sweet girl!

 and this boy!  I also love their big sis but she was busy having fun with a friend!  ;)
 All that swimming wore little man out!  Ryne had a friend over so Reese and I played upstairs for awhile.  Love one on one time with my littlest girl!

I think the first trip to the pool was a success!  I'm sure we will be back lots more this summer!

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