Sunday, June 5, 2016

China in a nutshell...

It is crazy that the thing that we have been working towards and waiting on for 14 months happened!  Looking back it went by in a flash.   
So thankful for this man that I get to do this crazy life with!
So thankful for this kid and her love of life and all things fun!
Oh and this precious little girl that is pure sweetness!
 China was crazy and the girls drew quite the crowd!  ;)
 We were there a couple of days and then this amazing moment happened!
 Oh my gosh I love this sweet precious boy!
 The 3 Francis kids playing blocks!
 Party of 5!
 The first week it rained pretty much all day every day...
 Next stop Gangzhou!
 Life of the party always!
 swimming every day...with or without swimsuits!

 sweet snuggly boy!
 this is how he napped every day!

 last lunch in China!
 We had professional pictures while we were there and she did amazing!  Our kids were not cooperative, so we were very happy that she got some good ones!

 Oh my goodness sweet boy!  We are over the moon excited that you are now a Francis!  We love you and can not imagine our lives without you!  You bring so much joy, excitement, and love!  We adore you Jeter Liam.

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