Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Our "Dream" session...

The past few cruises we have noticed that they offered 30-45 minute sessions with one of two on board photographers.  They could be on the boat or off at one of the ports.  We always said that when we cruised with the girls we would want to do it.  Well, we kinda forgot about it, but were approached by one of the photo workers (who was being way to nice and into our girls so I should have known they were trying to sell us something! ha!) and after talking about it decided to go ahead and schedule an appointment.  We didn't plan clothes for us all to blend, but ended up making due...I think.  :)  We met Paul and he was so good with the girls!  He has two girls of his own, so he had no problems with our crazies!  Reese was acting like a little toot!  She pouted pretty much any time the camera was on her and pretty much refused to cooperate most of the time...but he still got some great ones!

That day was raining SO, we didn't get to do any deck shots.  Paul was so great though that he squeezed us in his crazy schedule the next day for a few shots.

I am so glad that we have these pictures.  It truly was a great vacation and Paul captured some great moments for us to treasure!

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