Sunday, December 1, 2013

Last day at sea...

Our last day at sea was filled with this...

We saw a guy making balloons and the girls wanted down we went to get one.  Poor Reese couldn't keep her eyes open while we were waiting!
 but he still made her a cute blue and pink flower for when she woke up and Ryne got a dolphin hat!
 After that the girls napped while daddy watched football!
 Then it was time for our last dinner!  Reese was really enjoying having her milk in such a fancy glass!

Ryne was worn smooth out!
 Reese learned that she could get down from the table if she said she needed to potty...she totally abused that the last night!  We went to the potty no less than 5 times!
One trip back we ran into Jessie!  I felt bad because J said that he actually popped by our table as soon as we left and just waited until he saw us by the bathrooms.  I know he was swamped so I felt so bad that we were MIA for so long!  He brought the girls some cute dolphins...I mean he is seriously the sweetest!!  He wasn't even our waiter this trip but he made a point to come to our table and chat several times during the cruise...oh and his section was upstairs and we were  downstairs so it wasn't convenient to do!  It is because of people like Jessie that we are hooked on cruising!
Allann and Gary were great too!  :)
 And this is Jefry!  He was the one that was so amazing with Reese.  Reese got alot of attention from alot of crew but he seriously seemed to search her out to play with her.  We had to find him to say thanks on the last night!
After dinner we dropped the girls off at Camp Carnival so we could meet Paul (the photographer) to view our pictures.  He did such a great job...even though Reese was being such a 2 year old!  ha!  We always said that we would want to do a "Dream" session if we took the girls on a cruise.  I'm so glad we did.  Cruising with our girls for the first time was so much fun and I am so happy he was able to get some sweet moments for us to have forever!
After that we picked up our girls from their last night at Camp Carnival!  Ryne LOVED it so much!  She made some sweet friends.  We heard "hey Ryne" all over the ship the whole week.  She said it was like school but way better because all they did was have fun! ha!

 We HAD to get one last ice cream before calling it a night!
these girls LOVE ice cream!
It was the perfect last day!

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