Sunday, December 1, 2013

heading home...

The worst part of any trip is getting home.  Getting off a boat with two kids and a ton of luggage sounded just awful!  We put our luggage out the night before, but still were pretty loaded down with the night/day necessities.  But we enjoyed our last breakfast and waited patiently for our turn!
Reese refused to let us pack her "Mingo" or dolphin from Jessie!
 We had to wait in the theater for a few minutes.  Ryne felt the need to entertain!

 Then the real fun began!  It wasn't too bad getting off the boat.  Once we got all our luggage it was a little more difficult, but everything went pretty quickly.  Ryne was a huge help with pushing Reese while J and I handled our 6 pieces of luggage!

 Before we knew it we had made it to the car!
The trip home was pretty tame except for Ryne crying that see wanted to go back every now and then! ha!  I think this was a pretty great vacation for all of us!

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