Sunday, December 1, 2013

Grand Cayman...

We were originally suppose to go to Nassau and Freeport but had to be re-routed. So, we had decided to swim with stingray in Grand Cayman, but that got cancelled as well...bummer!  No biggie though, we ended up going to the beach and the girls had a blast!
Doesn't Reese look so excited?!  

She wears every sing pair of sunglasses upside down every single time!
After the tender onto land we jumped on a shuttle to take us to 7 mile beach.  The girls both thought it was pretty cool to not be in carseats!  It started raining during the shuttle ride, that isn't quite what you want to see on your way to the beach!
 Thankfully the rain wasn't that big of a deal.  It would rain in like 2-3 minute spurts...and then the sun would come back out.  It did that probably 10 times while we were out there!  Weird!  The girls both LOVED the beach!  I wasn't sure if Reese would because she hates to get dirty and will not play in sand boxes!  But she surprised me and loved making castles and digging in the sand!
first time those toes have really gotten sandy!
 Ryne was in beach heaven!

 Of course all that playing in the water will make little girls hungry and thirsty!  Reese downed a rehydrate and was begging for more "pink juice"!
 The ice cream truck came by, two little girls were super excited about that!

 After a little more playing we brushed off as much as we could and changed before heading back to the dock.  Reese fell asleep during the ride back, so I hung out on a bench with her while Jeremy and Ryne did a little souvenir shopping.
 Then it was time to head back to our boat!
Ryne posing with our boat!  :)
 No time for naps this day.  We had to get ready for our onboard pictures!  I'll post those later!  After pictures we came back to the room for Ryne and us to change.  Ryne wanted to go to Camp Carnival for dinner, so she needed play clothes and Jeremy and I had to dress up for formal.  Reese was good to go though!

 One excited girl to see her Camp Carnival friends!
 One excited girl to stay with mommy and daddy!  ;)
 One the way to dinner I was holding Reese somehow slipped on the first step on a flight of stairs.  Thank God Reese didn't get hurt at all.  Somehow I was able to land on my knee and flip over on my back without Reese every touching anything.  Of course my first concern was if Reese was okay...then I noticed all the people around and was super embarrassed!  After that Reese wanted to take all the stairs on herself!  I can't say I blamed her!  ha!  We sat down to dinner and then it hit me that I had lots of boo-boos!  My knee hurt, my back was killing me, and my shoulder was pretty torn up.  Lovely!
Reese and I with Gary and Allann Our head waiter - Allann wanted a picture with Reese to send to his niece!  He was a super nice was a Gary!
I blame the heels and the little metal strip they have on the stairs. I must have stepped on it just right to send me flying!
 After that we picked up Ryne and headed back to get ready for bed.
Sleeping that night was not fun.  I found that I had a huge bump in my lower back (still do actually), my knee was skinned up really good, my shoulder was skinned up and bruised, and I had a huge bruise on my lower back/hip (that is still lingering as well).  I felt like I was getting hit, kicked, a pushed all night!  That was not a my favorite part of the cruise! ha!

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