Monday, December 30, 2013

25 days of CHRISTmas

Our advent calendar (well house actually) is one of Ryne's very favorite things during Christmas.  We manly try to fill it with Random Acts of Kindness, but of course throw in some stuff for the girls.  :)  Here are a few of the 25...
make cards for soldiers...
Scavenger Hunt Dinner...

BAB fun!
Coffee for a cold bell ringer!
lots of crafts and cards…some for us and some for others!
one day was pick a treat…Ryne picked candy at the mall, Reese agreed!
North Pole Express train ride!
Christmas nails!  Ryne painted mine!  ;)

Toys for Tot shopping!
Picked out a couple of sweet angels!
Christmas lights and Starbucks!
There were a few more RAK that we weren't able to get pictures of.  My very favorite was purchasing bracelets made by Haitian moms to help provide an income to support their families as well as help a friend adopt a 12 year old girl!  Pretty cool!  It is a very fun way to build up to Christmas!

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