Monday, December 30, 2013

North Pole bound...

We took the girls to Grapevine to ride the North Pole Express…it was great fun!  Pops and GranJan met us there and we all had issues getting there!  I was nervous because the train waits for no one!  yikes!  Thankfully we all made it just in the nick of time!
Shuttle…why are shuttles so fun!
this kid has been begging to ride a train.  Any time we see one she yells "I wanna ride the train.  It be so fun!". I'm so glad she got her wish!  :)
 Ryne was super excited too!

 After the train ride we walked through the "Christmas Tree Maze" to watch a little show.

 Then it was time for "Snow Chocolate Milk" and to write letter to Santa to mail...
 Super cute because Santa actually mailed her a letter back a few days later!

Then we headed to see the Man in Red himself!
Reese couldn't keep her eyes off him...

until she sat on his lap and then she wouldn't make eye contact at all!  lol!  He did get a little smile out of her and she did tell him she wanted a pink sucker for Christmas!  ha!
I think Reese's very favorite part was playing with the train table though!  She threw a very rare 2 year old fit (right in front of Santa!) when it was time to go!

Fit and all it was a great night at the North Pole!  :)

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