Sunday, December 1, 2013


Our last port day was spent in Cozumel.  Jeremy and I were here in September as well when we did the BEST excursion EVER!  This one was pretty awesome as well, so Cozumel has become one of our very favorite places to stop!

We got off the boat and headed straight to our excursion group. While waiting, Ryne decided to take a load off by climbing into a very high chair!

ready for a day of fun!
 After a short shuttle ride...

 We made it to Dolphinaris!

 We changed into our swimsuits, got our life jackets and goggles, and headed to swim with some dolphins!

Reese actually didn't love it.  She was okay at first and liked petting them...but she didn't want to kiss them or have them kiss her!  She was over it after about 30 minutes so I got out with her and we just watched the rest!  Ryne had the time of her life!  She would have stayed in there all day if she could have!

We worked up quite the appetite so lunch was next on our list!  We chowed down on pizza and fajitas!

 After that Jeremy and Ryne decided to go snorkeling.  Reese wasn't big enough for that so we just hung out and watched dolphins!

 Then we walked down to the snorkel area to see if we could see the cool fish and stingray.

 Then it was time to shower in another fun outdoor shower!

 Then we just had time to grab a couple souvenirs before jumping back in the shuttle.  Reese picked out a stuffed dolphin that she loved re-enacting the dancing and kissing with.  Funny because she was not having it with a real dolphin! ha!

Ryne picked out a cute dolphin mood ring...
 We made it back to the port and couldn't resist a couple photo ops on our walk back to the boat...

 Reese fell asleep on the walk back to the boat and girl was so tired she stayed asleep through security and walking all the way to our room.  She didn't budge when I laid her down and slept until we woke her up for pictures!
That night consisted of take #2 of pictures because it was rainy and we couldn't get any on deck ones the first time...followed by dinner and then bed!

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