Wednesday, August 28, 2013


I try to take a quick picture of the girls before we leave for church most Sundays.  BUT most of the time we are running so late that it doesn't happen.  It did happen a couple weeks ago...2 Sundays in a row actually!  :)
 This sweet girl came out first so I took a few of just her.  She is obsessed with her newest bear that she calls "Blue Bear".  She goes everywhere with her!  I'm pretty sure that blue is her favorite color because when given the choice she always picks cup, blue bowl, etc.

 Then Sissy joined us!  Reese has started trying to copy Ryne's poses!

 My FAVS!  I love how they love each other...90% of the time.  :)

 Then just almost kindergartener!

 Then Daddy and I jumped in the mix...

 I absolutely adore my little family!  AND just because her little back is so precious...

1 comment:

  1. Cute pictures! I love the girls outfits:) And while Reese's fav color is blue, Coop's is purple! Hmmm....!!!
