Wednesday, August 21, 2013

A firehouse and a wedding...

Jeremy's cousin in-law (?!) got married last month and on the way to her wedding we stopped by to see Uncle Lance at work.  We had not visited him at work so we thought it was time to!  Ryne and Reese loved getting to see everything and climb on the trucks.  

After visiting for a few minutes we loaded back up and headed to the wedding.

Isn't this a pretty wall?!
 The girls were both pretty good during the ceremony.  I was stressed about keeping them quiet so I was thankful that they were for the most part.  :)

 After the ceremony we found a spot to hang out during the reception...

silly girl!
 Then they got the party started and our little dancing queens had a blast!

 We stayed until after 9:00 and the kids had total control of the dance floor the entire time!  I'm sure they were glad when the kiddos cleared out!  lol!

Reese kept trying to dance with the little boy in the hat...he wasn't having it!  ha!
 They had the coolest photo booth set up!  So much fun!

It was a beautiful wedding and we had so much fun helping them celebrate!

1 comment:

  1. Love the girls outfits. The last picture is so fun- totally a Christmas card one! ha
