Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Lazy morning + Splash Pad fun + CFA = great day!

Belle and Star do get along sometimes!  :)
 We enjoyed hanging with our many dogs before heading to the park for a little splash pad fun...
 Phoebe and Star try to hide from Belle alot!  ha!
 Ryne LOVES the splash pad but Reese doesn't, so that makes park days a little tricky.  We had a blast like always though and the girls are good about taking turns on where we play.  :)

Such a good sister helping!

 Reese typically hangs with me or just walks around the outside getting her feet wet!  Crazy kid!  Ryne is all over the place loving every single second!
After wearing them out we went home for naps/quiet time before heading to Chick-Fil-A for dinner.  Ryne had to model her cute little outfit!
 We went to Chick-fil-a to meet up with Pops and GranJan because their church wanted to start doing the 318 Challenges and wanted Jeremy to talk a little bit about the purpose.  Then they also videoed Jan and Ken completing a couple challenges...pretty cool!

Jeremy being filmed.  :)
 I hung out with the kiddos in the play area because I would much rather be behind the camera!  ha!

It was another perfect summer day!  :)

1 comment:

  1. What happened to Belle? Did y'all find her a new home or is she staying?!
