Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Our last trip to the Dallas Zoo...

We have loved being members of the Dallas Zoo and have definitely gotten our money out of it!  We aren't renewing our membership just yet though.  We are going to wait until it cools down and IF we are still here with no immediate move we will probably join again.  They had "Safari Nights" every Saturday in the month of July so we took advantage of the last one.  It was HOT but alot of fun!  

love this cheeser!

Our first stop was the Bird Show...

 Then we headed to the Children's area...
 Where we, of course, had to feed some birdies!

 Then we went back and explored the Children's area some more...

 Then we finally ventured somewhere else...
 We fed the Giraffes and they were hungry this time!  :)

 Then we learned all about lions...

looking a little worried!  ha!

 We ended the night with the carousel...

Love good family time!!

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