Wednesday, August 21, 2013

CEC day!

We met Pops and GranJan at CEC a few weeks ago for lunch and fun games!  Ryne was so excited to go because she had drawn CEC a picture and couldn't wait to give it to him!

 The girls had fun playing games and riding rides...well not Reese really.  She enjoyed sitting in them while they were still OR standing beside them and putting tokens in!  ha!

Ryne and GranJan in serious gaming mode!

 After our fun lunch we headed home for naps and quiet time before going to Reese's well check up!  She did amazing...and no shots!  BUT they did have to do a finger prick which she thought was no fun.  :(
 We ended our day with some bubble fun after bath time.  Good day despite the finger prick!  :)

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